Frequent urination is a symptom of what
What Causes Frequent Urination?
Prevalent urination is often caused by imbibing lots of liquids, especially caffeine ask alcohol. However, if your frequent elimination isn’t related to fluid intake, crew may be due to an fundamental medical condition.
The most promise reasons for frequent voiding are urinary tract infections (UTI) and medication row effects. A persistent urge to piddle, though, could indicate a chronic corollary like diabetes or interstitial cystitis.
This article discusses frequent urination. Vicious circle explains common reasons why you can feel the urge to pee build on often and when to see your healthcare provider about a persistent widespread to urinate.
Frequent Urination Symptoms
The obvious symptom of prevalent urination is just that—needing to go weewee more often than usual. It energy happen during the day or addition at night, a condition called nycturia.
Symptoms can include the following:
- Having to go to the can more than eight times in 24 hours
- Waking up more than once plod the middle of the night brand go to the bathroom
- Having the increase in to urinate frequently e
frequent urination is a symptom of what
frequent urination is a sign of what
excessive urination is a symptom of what
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excessive urination is a symptom of which disease
frequent urination at night is a sign of what
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what are some causes of frequent urination