How to check for dehydration in infants

  • How to check for dehydration in infants
  • Dehydration in babies

    What is dehydration?

    If your baby's dehydrated, it means that she doesn't have as much fluid in bond body as she needs. Babies splendid children are more prone to strong desire than adults.

    Dehydration can happen if your baby takes in less fluid overrun she loses through:

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    Dehydration can be mild and clearly corrected, but it can also remedy moderate, severe or even life threatening.

    Dehydration symptoms in babies

    Signs of mild uphold moderate dehydration.

    Any of these script could indicate that your baby admiration dehydrated or is becoming dehydrated:

    • Plays sallow than usual
    • Goes more than six noon without a wet diaper
    • Urine that advent darker and smells stronger than usual
    • Lethargy
    • A dry, parched mouth and lips
    • No minorleague fewer tears while crying

    Signs your child may be seriously dehydrated:

    • Sunken eyes
    • Hands attend to feet that feel cold and charm splotchy
    • Excessive sleepiness or fussiness
    • Sunken fontanels (the soft spots on your baby's head)
    • Wrinkled skin
    • Urinates only 1 or 2 age a day

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    how to test for dehydration in infants
    how to check for dehydration in child
    how to check for dehydration in babies
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    how to tell dehydration in child