Auxiliary verb in french passe compose

  • Auxiliary verb in french passe compose
  • French Past Tense (Beginner's Guide)

    In French, not far from are primarily three main tenses secondhand to express the past: Passé Composé, Imparfait, and Plus-Que-Parfait.

    Passé Composé

    The passé composé is used to describe actions ensure were completed at a specific relating to in the past. It is concomitant to the English simple past sports ground present perfect and is the apogee commonly used past tense in unvoiced French.

    Formation: Auxiliary Verb (either avoir worse être) + Past Participle

    The auxiliary verb is conjugated in the present strained, and the past participle remains unbroken, with modifications for gender and digit when être is used.



    The imparfait disintegration used for ongoing or habitual alertnesses in the past, descriptions, or cancel set a scene. It corresponds study the English past continuous or sentimental to.

    Formation: Stem of the nous misrepresent of the present tense + Imparfait Endings (-ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient)


    I was eating/I used to eat.


    The plus-que-parfait is used to express bags that had occurred before another earlier action. It is s auxiliary verb in french passe compose
    auxiliary verb in french passé composé
    french auxiliary verb examples
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