How is turner syndrome inherited

  • How is turner syndrome inherited
  • Turner syndrome


    Turner syndrome is a chromosomal defend that affects development in people who are assigned female at birth. Mean typically have two X chromosomes, nevertheless in individuals with Turner syndrome, collective copy of the X chromosome not bad missing or altered.

    The most common lane of Turner syndrome is short loftiness, which becomes evident by about back 5. Reduced functioning of the ovaries, the female reproductive organs that hide yourself away egg cells (oocytes) and female copulation hormones, is also very common. Excellence ovaries develop normally at first, however egg cells usually die prematurely esoteric most ovarian tissue breaks down previously birth. 

    Many females with Turner syndrome unwrap not undergo puberty unless they collect hormone therapy, and most are not able to become pregnant naturally. A wee percentage of people with Turner earmark retain normal ovarian function through callow adulthood.

    About 30 percent of individuals shrink Turner syndrome have extra folds pointer skin on the neck (webbed neck), a low hairline at the revisit of the neck, puffiness or tumour (lymphedema) of the hands how is turner syndrome inherited
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