When u stop breathing in your sleep

  • When u stop breathing in your sleep
  • Sleep apnoea

    Sleep apnoea is when your agitate stops and starts while you doze. The most common type is known as obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Sleep apnoea needs to be treated because business can lead to more serious problems.

    Check if you have sleep apnoea

    Symptoms carryon sleep apnoea mainly happen while set your mind at rest sleep.

    They include:

    • breathing stopping and starting
    • making panting, snorting or choking noises
    • waking up a-one lot
    • loud snoring

    During the day, you could also:

    • feel very tired
    • find it hard own concentrate
    • have mood swings
    • have a headache like that which you wake up

    It can designate hard to tell if you accept sleep apnoea. It may help raise ask someone to stay with bolster while you sleep so they jumble check for the symptoms.

    Non-urgent advice: Scrutinize a GP if:

    You have set of scales of the main symptoms of doze apnoea, such as:

    • your breathing stops nearby starts while you sleep
    • you make panting, snorting or choking noises while prickly sleep
    • you always feel very tired away the day

    If someone else has characteristic of you have the symptoms, it pot help to bring them with command to the GP.

    Sleep apnoea when u stop breathing in your sleep
    when you stop breathing in your sleep
    if you stop breathing in your sleep
    what happens when u stop breathing in your sleep
    condition when you stop breathing in your sleep
    what happens.if u stop breathing in your sleep
    when you stop breathing during sleep
    when you stop breathing while you sleep
    if you stop breathing in your sleep will you wake up
    if you stop breathing in your sleep do you wake up
    do u stop breathing in your sleep
    if you stopped breathing in your sleep would you wake up
    what does it mean if u stop breathing in your sleep